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Gatherings This Week - Sunday March 10


“Love & Fear”

Daniel Lawlor

A meditation on how we as Unitarian Universalists have an opportunity to embody Love in community. As both skeptics and optimists, our tradition calls us to balance both as we try to build communities of love- which can be easier said than done! Not too long ago, a focus on love changed the life of a congregation in an old neighborhood in San Francisco… and what it might mean for all of us UUs?

Music with Mollie Glazer

Religious Education with Leyah Jensen & Sherlly Morocoima 

This Sunday in RE, we are all about discovering the beautiful and unexpected that can be brought forth when we get out of our own headspace. So join in some wild fun! As we begin our Justice “vision board” with colorful art made in Zen. You’ve never painted like THIS before!

10:45 a.m. - Hendrix Hall & Activities Room


Order of Service March 10, 2019

Prelude          The Swan Saint Saens           

Welcome & Announcements                                         Susan Richards

Chalice Lighting      With this flame we renew our commitment to justice,      peace and compassion

*Affirmation                                                                                       All     From all that dwell below the skies,     Let faith and hope with love arise.     Let beauty, truth, and good be sung     Through every land, by every tongue. Amen

Poem          The Growing Edge Rev. Howard Thurman

*Hymn #122 Sound Over the Waters

Greeting One Another

Story for All Ages          The Sneetches Leyah Jensen Dr. Seuss

Children’s Blessing                                                                            All     Go now in peace, go now in peace.     May the light of love surround you,     Everywhere, everywhere, you may go.    Words and music by Natalie Sleeth    Children depart for the Religious Exploration Program                                                  


Joys and Concerns                                                           

Hymn #123 Spirit of Life

Sermon          Love and Fear                                           Daniel Lawlor

Moment of Silence

Our Gifts We Bring                                                          Peter Richards Offertory          Somewhere Over The Rainbow Arlen/Harburg         

Hymn #146 Soon the Day Will Arrive

Closing          Reflection Rev. Ryongki Cho


Extinguishing the Chalice                   Carry the flame of peace and love until we meet again

**Postlude          A Kiss to Build a Dream On Kalmar/Ruby/Hammerstein        

Sunday Morning Participants Sunday Service Leaders – Susan and Peter Richards Guest Preacher – Daniel Lawlor Guest Musicians – Mollie Glazer, cello & piano; Isaiah Williams, piano UU Meeting House Choir – Cynthia Csabay, Al Fuller, Cheryl Fuller, Val Hall, Haziel Jackson, Polly Miller, Grace Noyes, Phaedra Plank, Jim Sulzer, Nancy Tobias, Jeffrey Thomson Coffee Hour Host – Potluck. Coffee Hour is also generously funded this week by a grant given by the Strand Family to help us tie up those potluck loose ends.



Second Congregational Meeting House Society, Unitarian Universalist

11 Orange Street

P.O. Box 1023

Nantucket, MA 02554



Church office hours:  Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, 10:00am-2:00pm

or by appointment

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