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Services are held on Sundays at 10:45 AM at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House on 11 Orange Street, a few buildings up from Main Street.


Where do I park? 
In the winter parking is readily available on Main Street and along Orange Street. Some park on Union Street and walk up Stone Alley. In the summer members walk or bike in or take the Wave shuttle bus. Parking is available, but requires a little more of a walk at the height of the season. Carpooling is also encouraged.


Where is the service? 
In the winter the service is downstairs in Hendrix Hall. Enter through the door on the right-hand side of the Meeting House (as you face the front on Orange Street.) Beginning on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, the service is held upstairs in the historic sanctuary. The two main front doors will be open.


What should I wear? 
Dress is informal; casual clothes are acceptable.


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What do I expect when I arrive for the first time? 
You will be greeted and given a song book with an order of service inside. Sit where you wish. Near the beginning of the service the minister or lay leader will ask if there are new people who would like to introduce themselves. If you feel comfortable you may stand and introduce yourself. The service lasts about one hour. After the service we meet in the Activities Room on the ground floor behind Hendrix Hall, where a light snack and coffee are served. It ‘s a good time to get to meet new folk and mingle. Everyone will be happy to engage you!


Do children attend the service? 
Children usually stay with their parents during the first part of the service, and then go to youth programs in the Activities Room where we explore values, world religion, the principles of love, peace and caring for others and spirituality. There is also lots of play and much craft making and some exploring of the downtown too! The age range of the children in religious exploration is from 1-10 yrs at this time. All ages are welcome at our services! Call Susan Richards at 802-881-8170 or email at with any questions.

We are also in the process of building a junior youth group for youth ages 9-12 yrs. More to come on this soon!


How are our services different? 
Our members practice a variety of faith traditions under one roof of shared values. Services reflect an appreciation for the diversity of faith backgrounds and beliefs. We do not recite a creed, our services include poetry and readings from many traditions and our sermons include reflections on values, justice, social justice principles, and how to become more more worthy of each other and our world. We are a welcoming congregation to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) community.


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